Thursday, February 23, 2006

Conference Day '06

Welcome to MDC Conference Day '06!

This seminar, "Reaching Generation Y: Blogs, Podcasts and More" is designed to give MDC faculty and staff an introduction to some emerging Internet technologies. At the completion of the seminar, you will be ready to accomplish any of the following:

  • Read and post to a weblog, or 'blog'
  • Create and publish your own blog
  • Subscribe and listen to a podcast
  • Begin creating your own podcast
While the seminar is just one-hour long, you will have enough resources with you to take home so that you can continue exploring these technologies at your own pace.

I can be reached via email or you can also visit my faculty web page here. Feel free to post comments to this blog during the Conference Day seminar as well as after.

Happy blogging!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Viral Videos

//i'm not that great at following all these viral vids but this one kinda rolls a bunch into one.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

'06 Resolutions

1) Create a podcast of class lectures
2) Revamp the site(s)
3) PhD

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

What a nerd!

Wake up, Neo...

Here we go.